Because they cast Amy Schumer and Ken couldn't get the job done.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Morning wood.
I'm not coming into work today
Because he had a crack addiction.
He wanted arrays. It had to be reiterated several times before it was sorted out.
Cancer stole our jobs!"
Ovary Enthusiastic
He was a snow call, snow show.
Because he's a clown! Buh bum tis
Because it was soda-pressing
Because it was soda pressing.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
This job isn't for everyone, but's in my jeans"
Oh well that's just uber, isn't it
Because he couldn't concentrate
Because they have jobs.
Because they MINE as a job.
You had one job.
He became a quack head
Nobody does your job for you when you're out
Because they heard there were no jobs there.
Keep at it, inmate!
I'd say he's fairly incapa .
Because he refused to rent someone a copy of the Pixar flick "Up".
You make a private phone call to anyone else, and submit your application.
He was awesome at cleaning the bar, but he wouldn't stop jerking it.
Because he didn't get arrays.
Cancer got Jobs
He/she barely even cuts it anymore.
It didn't peso well.
One is relevant and can get you a job. The other you went to university for.
Me: Because i work for less and good at licking. Mgmt: You're hired.
Not get a job.
Their jobs get a lot easier when there are no reactions
They told him he was good at deriving
M'doula obligada.
Only one, given that he's koali-fied for the job.
He came up short on his register.
Because he would only do the minimum?
Because their job is draining.
The lumberjack has a job.
By firing squad.
I don't mind telling work the other jobs I've done
He thought they'd want to hear that back at the farm, he likes doin' chickens right also.
He didn't have enough koalifications!
Inspecting mirrors
Nobody wants to marry an underemployed alcoholic.
Because she was out standing in her field.
A man who is outstanding in his field.
His boss always took him for granite.
A clamboni driver!
To Tally-hos!
A photographer.
I can't, I'm not a conductor." Pffffffhehewheheheheheh.
They have no jobs
Because she refused to work in a mail dominated industry.
One has a job.
Bigmac and fries please
I am tired of looking for a job.
He was surrounded by phone-ys!
He didn't knead any more dough.
He's outstanding in his field
Lets get Jobs!
One day she'd just had un uf.
Cancer can get jobs
Let's get Jobs. Found in the comments of a post by
Cos they'll always hook a brutha up
His job.
They're usually only interest in you if you already have one.
They don't have the right koalfications!
Because it's soda pressing.
Oh, wait they're done.
There is nothing left too loose.
He wasn't koalafied!
No Jobs
They needed a developer.
He didn't like being spoken to in that voice
She was fed up with the hole business.
No connection
He only had one pupil.
Namaste (pronounced:nah I'ma stay)
He kept throwing the bent bananas away.
I had a typo in a tweet. "Mistakes happen!" -I worked for Yahoo Finance. "Thanks for coming in. Bye"
ME: *leans in way too close* Leaving it.
A bullet.
Because he took his job for granite I'll show myself out.
A Defective!
Cancer cells can get Jobs.
My fingers. "No, like... Are you pinching me " GIVE ME fighting to maintain pinch THE JOB
because he has a deep-seeded hatred for planting.
It got fired.
Because it got fired!
Because as soon as they start they get fired.
He lost his patience
What sort of answer did you have in mind None-just assume it's changed.
A maybe.
I can't find the twine.
Old Bae
Your ex!
He was stoned
A May bee.
Because burgers are$.99 and salads are $4.99
Have they never had pizza
The knife has a point.
Slow down and use some lube
An AE I.O.U. P.S. Im proud of this one :3
Best vicious . . .
His hardware was Microsoft
Bill Gates never got a Mac, but Steve Jobs got PC.