They are both dead...
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Your products are fruity.
Bill Gates never got a Mac, but Steve Jobs got PC.
Steve Jobs went underground.
From PC
A: An Apple turnover.
Because he's always inbetween jobs.
The Space Bar
McBook Eyre
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Twenty years ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs. Today we have no cash, no hope and no jobs.
The iDied
because Sam sung better than him
They use Force quit.
Because once go Mac you never go back.
Just wait and they'll tell you.
2 hippos and a LOT of root beer.
He drank a lot of beer. He ate a lot of beans. *You love it.*
Artificial intelligence.
because he had a dying light
None of them are original.
He invested before it was cool.
Did they release a GTA Go
Because they're not PC
He found the apple was a surprisingly down-to-Earth kinda guy.
They both look good hanging from a tree