It's already run out of battery.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
The screen stays black when you check the time.
Don't worry, they will tell you.
Because then it would be a pair (pear)!
It goes back four seconds.
It doesn't have windows.
For the Watch.
Because he's a Wino-saur!
A: When the big hand touches the little hand.
By the time youre finished with the breast and thighs, all you have left is the greasy box to put your bone in.
You know they are going to keep coming back, and despite the fact they are weaker each time, you still don't look forward to them.
Because he always takes a Pik-at-chu
The screens keep on filling up with white-out.
How do you know if a blonde has been using your computer? When there's white-out all over the screen
You don't no jack!
Cancer stole our jobs!"
He was charged with battery.
Just waiting for Ronaldo"
OCD, OCD, OCD. Wait the last time didn't feel right. OCD, OCD, OCD. Wait, the second time didn't feel right. OCD, OCD, OCD. Wait...