Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Is that you coffin?
Hey, is that you coffin? Ba-dum-tsk...
Seven. Six to carry the casket and one to drag the body
Mourning wood.
A casket
In a casket.
Are you coffin
A skeleton key.
Crammed in.
Hey, I think he moved.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
He had no body to go with.
So that they don't get mistaken for feminists
Snow whites cherry.
A six-pack and a potato
Because they've lost their locks.
I've never heard a baby say: "cigarettes,phone and keys alright let's go"
A: Sparky.
Cigarette" because you take him out for a drag.
5-year-old: A baby. Woman: What kind of baby 5-year-old: A human one. Nailed it.
Boo Jeans
For people that don't want anything to drink
So he could protect and serve.
One is made of plastic and poses a suffocation hazard to small children. The other one contains newspapers.