Define intervention." Came up with this today at work.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Change for a buck.
Because he thought he was melting.
Today sure was ruff" Read that today on my university's art wall and made me smile a bit , thought i'd share it :P
You got six cookies and five of them is gluten free.
Divine intervention. edit: Oh.
You. Why I oughta...! Edit: Wow, thanks for all the love. My son is quite the character and he really caught me off guard with this!
Dancing With the Stars is on and I need to make sure this will be enough.
A shooting star!
Because they came from afar.
1/6 G My 8 year old son came up with this one.
He got crped out.
So he could go to Otter Space.
I have no-eye-deer! (Unless you're a dad, you may need to sound it out)
Beer nuts are a dollar twenty five, deer nuts are under a buck
A soviet seamen
a soviet