A paraplegic
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A paraplegic after a house fire.
Meals on wheels
A mute telling a deaf guy that a blind guy saw a paraplegic running behind a bald guy while grabbing his hair.
A parabola.
Inert gas.
They never carry their own weight.
They're both only three fifths of a person
A Boston Marathon Victim.
To stop getting confused as feminists
Polaroid Integral Film and Babies
Everyone keeps telling me that I should know...
Elephant snot. Funniest part is seeing people's reaction when you tell it.
A steamed vegetable.
A steamed vegetable
Because he was knotty!
I can't hear you, but I can see your point
Because he forgot to check his blind side.
A dead school bus!
Because women are at the wheel.
It takes three to five years before anyone will hire them.
One to over hype the new lightbulb and one to make sure it breaks within a year.
new gloves for the cold days
Because he had low elf esteem.