A: To get to the second hand shop.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
The second hand shop.
He went to the second-hand shop.
To go to the second hand shop
Second fella says "A kilt of course!" First fella "What's the tartin " "She's wearing white" says his pal
It was Pirated.
Because someone stole his boat.
He lost his patients
Everyone who bought his tickets wanted their nickelback
Because whenever they get a corner they open a shop !
I'll take you clothes shopping right now".
She Peedherpants
With a pita pan.
Cancer. ( )
Vanderkron: I wouldn't go to these places no more!
Halfway, when you walk further then you will walk out of the forest! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
A pat on the head.
Boko Harambe