Ant Man
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Two. Ant-Man and Wasp are the only ones small enough to fit inside a lightbulb.
God: Err...
Something that stinks and stings!
The ones with diabases.
All the ones who can run/swim/jump already made it to America.
I'm going to a cheese and wine party tonight and the host has requested I bring a "mystery cheese". I'm hoping there's a puntastic cheese out there somewhere that may fit the bill!
The game where players make enough money to risk getting brain damage, or the debate where the players already have brain damage?
Your spine.
It may contain viruses.
I'd be surprised if you could fit two in there
When your wife's clothes start to fit her.
When this gets 500 upvotes, I'll tell you the answer.
Trick question, anarchists can't change anything.
credit to one of the writers from Bob's Burgers).
Pregnant. (Credit goes to the trailer of Zootopia)
None - the lightbulb has the capacity for its own revolution
One, but there are FOUR LIGHTS!