Because there's no L.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
When there is no "L" ("Noel")
There is noel
An elk It has the E, the L, and the K. Would like to hear some more if you guys have any.
this isn't even a joke... some of y'all are borderline retarded, "I don't get it" is like a given for 50 upvotes around here. If you don't get a joke, just take the L and move on to the next post....
His toga size went from L to XL.
No L
Student: H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O. Teacher: That's not what I taught you. Student: But you said the formula for water was...H to O.
Because the US gave the UK that L back in 1776.
Timmy's in the old well L: Arf arf He's dead You sure L: Arf! Okay here's a check for $5K L: ima need cash
An elk. He's got the E. the L. and the K.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Because we gave them that L in 1776.
Link: It's raining Z: No it's not L: *Plays Song of Storms* Z: You're sleeping with Epona tonight
The person who shouted "Give me an L!"
I thought Libertarians believed in small government.
He thought it was his civic doodie!
the pal asks. "Waiting for me to get home."
A Magic Johnson.
They're both used to store nuts.
In the cabernet
Because it's just-ice
The dishes if she knows whats good for her.
Noe(L) "L"
Because Oct 31 = Dec 25
Out of bounce.
Because it teaches them how to shoot, run and steal.
To observe spooky action at a distance! Thank you, I'll be here all week.
A socra-tease Made this one up myself. I'll be here all week