Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A Neigh-bor. Sorry for my horrible dad joke.
Put it in the back yard.
3-year-old: Woof woof. Me: Horses 3: Neigh. Me: Pigs 3: Sizzle sizzle. Somebody understands bacon.
The Neigh Neigh.
Fifty Shades of Neigh
Put him in your back yard.
me, genuinely, earlier today. Wife said no.
Thought of this one on my own while playing WoW a couple days ago and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been told before. I like corny jokes. I Googled it and didn't find anything (:
just one of the thoughts I have during important business meetings
They both get jumped by Mexicans.
Because they always take a fence
Eric Clapton wouldn't drop a bag of cocaine out a window
Me: It's when we thank the one who provided our food. 4-year-old: We thank the microwave
Painless Porker.
One's a group of cunning runts...
In the cabernet
2. How do you resuscitate a drunk cat 3. Will they do an autopsy on a dead cat
One, but he wishes it was two.
Dave: I wish I was rich. Genie: Granted, what's your second wish Rich: I want lots of money.
Barns and no-bulls. (This joke was made up by my 7 year-old cousin.)
The corn has ears, the potatoes have eyes, and the beanstalk.