You can't play football with the remote.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A newborn with osteoporosis.
Not mine
About 16 seconds
They kick a Can
You'd be red too if you had your hose stretched that far
Jose and Hose B.
One. She just holds it up there and waits for the world to revolve around her.
Jason: Two things: I got 50 in Spelling and 50 in History. Mother: Well at least you can add !
she shattered his jaw!
Because it's paneless.
Because he was a master-baiter.
Pick a cod, any cod!
Help, I think I'm in glove".
It's because two Wongs don't make a white.
A Woky Talky
Because he didn't know the difference between Jose and Hose B.
Hose B
Eric Clapton would NEVER let a big bag of cocaine fall out a window!
A nun falling down the stairs