Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
both accused of treason for expressing their freedom but Zoidburg didn't get his marshmallows!
A president has never been blackmailed into treason over a video of him paying to have a Russian garbanzo bean on his face.
They like to express the right to bear arms.
A Piano.
A.When we see your face we both crack up!
It got flagged.
There are no videos of Mike Tyson.
Purple, there are no bones in ice cream!
Because chocolate doesn't make a peep.
In his Baracks
Grover Cleveland. He was the twenty second President.
A quadratic equation :)
High treason.
They couldn't compete with the circus in Washington DC any longer.
Serious business
Ask them to pronounce unionized.
A woman wants a man who can satisfy all her needs. A man wants all women who can satisfy his needs.