A snowfake.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A nervous wreck! I first heard this at xmas 1952 (64 years ago) and it still makes me smile.
A clocktopus Shoutout to the popper from my Xmas dinner
Rick O'Shay.
A happy pit bull.
The Tesla gets fewer battery charges in a year.
last year's hide & seek! :D
Because they heard he's a web developer
The p is silent.
Just one, but first they have to sit in the dark for a year and then get letters from two electricians giving them permission.
An ill-eagle
A nervous wreck.
None. Who do you think broke the filament in the first place
Where o where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found some one You met a zombie and pblblthpth you were gone.
Because the land does not wave back.
An oviposition set
I don't know. He still hasn't opened his gifts.