Why did the detective go to the apartment complex? So he could solve the staircase.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
The Search Bar.
Pair-a-normal investigators.
The Tooth Hurts Donut!
An investigator.
I'm not lion. Ill be here all week...
A Scotland Yard.
He put it in a conviction-oven.
Well, that was an unexpected twist!
He was looking for Finger Prince. (Say it out loud if you don't get it.)
It's his private eye.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
He works on a cold case.
Your Sherlock Homie
Santa Clues. Credit: Curious: The Tourist's Guide
Sherlock Ohms That's why his partner is called Wattson...
An Eye-patchy helicopter! . Ill show myself out.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
A-lemon-tree my dear Watson.
Because then it would be a foot..
Jesus: looks at feet They're using boards
Sherlock Homie
It doesn't matter. We'll all be laughing too hard to care.
Elementary, my dear Watson."
He had an apartment complex.
Because his home was a maze thing.
He was thrown out at home. - His two balls got a strike.
It's ele-mentary my dear Sherlock !
Watson the menu