One connects to all your devices and access your data, one connects to all your devices and access your data.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
One connects to all your devices & accesses your data, and the other is a hardware standard
A pumpkin!
One connects to all your devices and accesses your data, the other is a harware standard.
A Serj Protector.
They are both generators (jenner-rater)
A pedometer
A: Are you syncing what I"m syncing
A Lou-ouija board.
I remember when we used to make stuff in this lazy country!
They have access to arms.
Take away its USB cable.
My Ans) Black People . . . I dont know why do they ask such weird questions in biology.
Iraq the dishes in the dish rack and Iran the dishwasher
Just watch me!
A full set of teeth
Because it was pi-rated.
Die Hard
You would get severe frostbite.