No eye deer
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
No-eye deer.
I have no eye deer...
No-eye deer! Note: we are from Hicksville, USA. This may not make sense without the Midwestern accent.
No eye deer. Say it fast and with a southern accent for full effect.
I got no-eye deer !
A: No eye-deer.
No eye-deer. EDIT: I totally messed this joke up. Please give me another chance with another joke
I have no-eye-deer! (Unless you're a dad, you may need to sound it out)
Because if we could I would edit a tweet with 2,000 retweets to say "RT if you hate puppies and babies."
There's only one you can unload with a pitchfork. Edit: Who said something about dead babies?
If left for 400 years, the yoghurt will develop a culture.
Because God couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.
A bright eye deer.
Shine a flashlight in their ear.
Because he saw the mess that snails left behind!
Because they are **important**.
12: I have a headache. Me: Do you think it's a good idea to play video games if you have a headache 12: Yes.
There are so many Wings and Wongs, you might wing a wong number.
Because he is an x-boxer
Oh, I accidentally bought Hamburger Hinderer
A big-eye deer!
One is greasy with big eyes. The other's a fish.
It makes no sense, he's not a good driver, he and all his friends are always stuck in second gear