1 sleep until Christmas.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
When comcast puts them on hold and they don't hang up
The meth head still has teeth.
Three sleeps 'till Christmas!
A two-weeker
A caterpillar !
They're writing their last will and testament.
Because Tom had previously drowned in the well and everyone said "Tom is sleeping with the fishes."
Sleep at night
A singer
Either your mum, your wife or you.
None. They believe that the enlightenment comes from within.
A non-prophet religion Edit: Replace the word "religion" with "set of beliefs" if you're picky about that sort of thing
For setting up illegal shell companies!
An Or-phone.
A Hans free device
There's 20 of them!
Because it feels like a wizard's sleave.
Because they heard we sell hotdogs for $0.75 each.
It must need Osteo-per-o-sis" Love it.