Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Have you ever seen the size of mothballs?
Just two, but how they get in there.. I don't know. (Stolen from an old Maxim in my dad's storage)
Just two, but more can join in if there's room in the lightbulb.
The light was on.
An insect who can find its way around a dark wardrobe !
Have you ever seen the size of moth balls
He kept picking holes in everything !
Second Caribou: Micky Moth!
He wanted to see the floor show !
Couple's Daily Question Mug
An insect that can find its way around a dark closet.
Never mind, I shouldn't spread it.
Dough-nuts (South Park reference again just spreading it).
Molar opposites.
At las!
The Ozone layer doesn't benefit from having holes in them.
Holes mostly..."
Hit it with a fly swatter.
Matt. ...floating in your pool Bob. ...hanging on your wall Art. ... water skiing Skipper.
No idea.
They're both eliminated and finished second in their conference.
He didn't want to play second fidel
He is alright, but one sided!
A. A **VERY** large moth...
None. They just hold it in the socket and expect the world to revolve around them.
Hold up your arm and say "Go back you didn't say 'May I'"