Antique farm equipment
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
It is always look but don't touch.
When you exit a museum, you trigger the alarm.
A moo-seum.
To get cultured
A Corpseman. Painfully obvious, yet a terrible play on the English language, I know. It was something I came up with a few years ago, for some unknown reason.
Student: I don't know, my tv doesn't pick it up
With a cowculator.
Because she wanted to get rich milk.
The washing machine doesn't get upset if I dump a load in it and never call back
Girl: Your feet.
What did the NSA agent say when the blizzard hit? Looks like we're snowed in.
Her ankles.
She had an outstanding balance.
A memeoir.
Pound an alarm
A: It set its alarm for eight -- so it would get a potato clock.
I want to wear it to the science museum "In your closet, why " 9: DUH. To attract radioactive spiders!
F", for Fonzi. Duh.
28 29's
Because 7 8 9 I'm so sorry