They're always rushin.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
He was rushin'
They don't wanna be rushin
Eric Clapton wouldn't let a bag of cocaine fall out the window. EDIT: Damn it he was four
Because someone threw a canoe at him !
Too which I replied "Because my grandpa is from Moscow." Duh..
Pan, duh!
You're going to have to be a little patient.
Why is everyone in the Soviet Union is always in a hurry? They're all Russian.
He thought it was such Bolshevik.
A rushin' russian.
Mr. Do Ping
He took out his dentures!
It took him forever to get her off that street corner.
Bury a blonde.
One's gotta pee.
Me: I dont know, I dont have 2020 vision
I don't know, but their flag is a huge plus.