Give me a ring sometime.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
An Accordion. ...I'll, uh, see myself out.
Lord of the Rings.
It put a ring on it.
Did you planet?
God really liked it so he put rings on it.
Because he liked it.
Because they don't want to wreck Danubes.
I was at an event the other day and someone asked "So... anyone know any jokes?" What's everyone's "go to" joke in social situations?
A: Because he's Haydn!
A: When an accordion is thrown down the toilet without it touching the sides.
A: No-one cries when you chop up an accordion.
Lord of the Rings
my mugger, giving my purse back
Root beer. (tbh: found on a Laffy taffy wrapper)
It's theft rate.
A Honda quaalude. (Credit to my girlfriend)
I WON this belt buckle, I OWN that truck, and I swear to God I was just helping that sheep over the fence.