Snorting the left over ashes from Ash Wednesday...
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Erdogan's suit wasn't back from the cleaners.
A: Chump day.
Tell her a joke on a Monday!
Because Wednesday is hump day.
He was expected on Tuesday, but he came on Wednesday.
Tell her a joke on Wednesday!
Because its in the middle of water!!!
You'd think it would be "T", but it is "U". *Favourite, btw.
Well it's back to the old grind!
Because business was very light.
Oranges have thick skin. Let the downvotes fly, people! You've only got one! Edit: Did not expect this joke to get this good of a reception. Thanks, guys!
Pupil: I expect it's around Hadrian's garden miss!
One does not simply fly in Turkish airspace without Erdogan's permission.
Because he was on the lam.
TiK ToK On The Clock
There's a little bit too much grayvy.
I'll get back to you in a few weeks
One has a coo, the other has a coup
Because in Russia the military coups you.