Micro Phelps.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
When looking at bacteria you can actually find some culture.
He experiences culture shock.
They exchange cell numbers.
Because it gets past-your-eyes (pasteurized)
St. Petri Dish.
It's a part of their culture.
To get to the other slide
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
On the Yeast Side.
I FOUND MY MICROSCOPE, now all I need is my lotion and tweezers
Well she has to be hot. And well-rounded. And cheesy. Extra guac. Wait, wrong list, this is my Chipotle order.
A: Realising the horse is alive and well and how much did I drink last night !
A: Teeth in the cavity.
They are both "in-bread" Downvote me to hell if you want. This is my only joke.
Because they don't want the world to know!
Seoul searching
Someone who stays up all night wondering if there is a dog.
DUCK!" How do you get a kid up and running "GOOSE!"
For the Halibut.
Super Barrio Mothers