Punchlines that got married and settled down.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Why is a giraffe's neck so long? Because his neck is way up here! (Dad Joke)
Mark is black.
In the Snowbank. My first post is a dad joke LOL
A "groan" man...
One starts with B and the otber starts with D
Physics-ly impossible. There's your dad joke for the day.
dad joke) Happy Brr-day son!
You never have to hear a dad joke. Edit. Just thought of this at work one day hope it's not a repost
Couple's Daily Question Mug
OC The taberNaCl. (Sorry..) (X-posted to dad jokes.)
PUNctuation Okay, I'll leave.
Dad jokes are punnier.
because potholder was already taken. I know it's like a venn diagram of drug jokes and dad jokes.
Dad Jokes.
A cantelopez! Came up with this on all by myself. I'm a new Dad, so I feel as if I've significantly leveled up my Dad Joke ability.
When it becomes apparent.
Because the punchline is apparent.
When they're in Denali.
Nothing if her husband knows what's good for him!
Because he said he only loved her this much (hold out t-rex like arms) Sorry this one requires a bit of a visual, but I thought you guys might like it
420 gaze it. Geddit. Because then you'd be stoned Okay, sorry I'll leave.
In the end, I settled.
They went outside and exchanged blows.
It was feeling down
The feel the leash go slack! (heard this one while listening to some irish tunes)
He dislikes poles polls How do you type jokes that rely on similar sounding words It hard :(
Amble in (Anne Boyeyn) I made this joke up and am very proud of it :)
Because he knows where the naughty girls live. (a kid told me this one)
Tell her she's pregnant.
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Lawn mooers! My 12 year old sister made this up... She out dad joked me..and I'm a dad!
Comparrison Ford!