How much damage can their Weiner make...
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because Democrat left a bad taste in her mouth!
The election year.
They both want to make money off of other people's work!
A: He couldn't recall.
Progressive rock.
Last time she tried Democrat it left a bad taste in her mouth.
A "no one will ever believe me".
One is demonized by the actions and beliefs of a small minority. The other believes in the wage gap myth.
Because he was the rightful heir
A Dairy Heir.
When you pull your meet out of a freezer it doesn't fart
All they talk about is the presidential erection
They want Gore in 2000.
Republicans are against them and democrats want more for schools.
flashback to me enjoying some hot soup on a rollercoaster* I saved a litter of puppies from a fire.
The Catcher in the Rye and Cooking For Dummies.
You'll usually get more money for them if you sell them for parts
Shoot the Guy Pushing it
A Canon, Canaan-canon cannon... (I'm not sorry...)