I still find you dashing"
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
FLASH... AAAHHHHHHHH. Its the language of the universe...
Live Jasmine
Not an iPhone because Apple doesn't support flash
Because flashing gives them seizures.
A blonde at a flashing red light.
A: The color.
A Julius Seizure.
flash back to me bathing my cat* -Uh, this chick bro. Yeah.
A: A blonde going through a flashing red light.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Last time they saw a flash it destroyed their country
Her diode starts flashing green.
Jason: Two things: I got 50 in Spelling and 50 in History. Mother: Well at least you can add !
Stomach punches
Life on the hedge!
They're mostly really nice people, but they have the French living there too.
It has a recognizable gait
Worm your way out of that one then!
They both look good hanging from a tree
Gotta Dash!
So they can park in the handicapped spot.
Buds before suds, bro.
who wants 2 try?
The ability to tell a person to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.
Because he's a sinner.