You take the s out of safe and the f out of way!
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Take the 'F' out of safe and the 'F' out of way.
You take the f out of "safe" and the f out of "way".
Take the "S" out of safe and the "F" out of way!
You take the "S" out of safe and the "F" out of way. One of my all time faves. If you say it out loud it will make sense :D
You take the S out of SAFE and you take the F out of WAY
You take the "F" out of way.
You take the ' ' out of ' ', and the ' ' out of ' '.
You get mourning wood.
Just wait 5 minutes. They'll post about it.
To be on the safe side!
The mathematician says "2" The Physicist says "2, plus or minus 0.1" The engineer says "Probably around 2, but let's say 3 to be on the safe side".
I got the f out of the way.
A: A hog doesn't have to sit in a bar and buy drinks all night just so he can f*** some pig.
Raining elephants !
Have you ever heard anyone complaining of a elephant in their soup .
You take the "I" out of "thimble" and the "F" out of "way."
This joke makes more sense if you can see it in person, but we'll give it a shot, anyway. Use your imagination. Why do the ladies love Jesus? Because he was hung like this!
Wrong, Batman always wins.   Yes, I do have the sense of humor of a 5 year old.
Fitting the wheelchair in the oven.