Quarter pounder with cheese
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Yeasty I'll show myself out
A quarter pounder with cheese.
Quarter-pounder with cheese
Beef Wellington
A yeast infection!
Quarter pounder with cheese !
A cracker with cheese.
a quarter pounder with cheese.
A quarter-pounder with cheese
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
my go-to answer is always "My yeast infection really is bubbling up."
Make Gingerbread
A Quarter Ponder with Cheese.
A quarter-pounder with cheese.
One's a cunning runt.....
A Yeast Infection
Quarter pounder with cheese.
A cracker with cheese
Only one, but it take 4 episodes and Krilin died at the end.
Old habits die hard
A buble!
I don't have a corvette in my garage.
Nailing one dead baby to 10 trees.
A pear. P.s. got this joke in a cracker. If anybody gets it can you please explain it. My family is stumped.
racist cannibal.
A Quarter Pounder with cheese! Yum Yum
A little Down.
He kept getting in everyone's hair.
They're both inbred.
He wanted to make some doe!