Waiter: The cheesebur- Me: WRONG! *points to the picture I drew on it of Ironman fighting Darth Vader*
They are just furniture with the ability to die.
Because her hat was pointing in the wrong direction.
I dunno, i just click submit
A Piano.
It depends on where I draw the line.
A Chihuahua that can draw and gnaw while obeying the law and lying on straw!
Because the tower is an Eiffel.
I don't know. Let me think. *pictures self riding jet ski made of bones through space*
The same bad guys! Billion dollar film franchise.
A divorce jar. Every time we fight you put a dollar in and I'm a little bit closer to freedom. *puts in dollar* "WTH! !"
People don't take it lightly.
The traffic.
I told him, "Dude, we literally drive on the right side."
WRONG! They don't make it, they steal it...
None a burned out bulb can't catch a waiter's eye.
Waiter: We can dream can't we
Ironman is a superhero, Ironwoman is a command.
Waiter: We didn't want to make you sick before the food does.
push the menu aside and softly whisper, "I want to hear about you."