That the man that falls from the 2nd floor does: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH While the man falling from the 8th floor does: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A Sandyhook so sorry.
2nd Roman Soldier: XX past VII !
Me: Daily Dentist: *Pulls fully grown centaur from between my 2nd and 3rd molars*
They need it to shoot themselves in the foot.
Two flutists playing in unison.
2nd Monster: He's at medical school. 1st Monster: Oh what's he studying 2nd Monster: Nothing they're studying him!
The 2nd floor: (SPLAT) AAAAAaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhhh...... The 20th floor: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! (SPLAT)
Her not hearing you, so you drop the bomb a 2nd time.
Ben Ching.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
2nd base.
Because there’s a Shortstop in between!
Wong Wei
How, are you?
I shot him Why did the second kid fall out I stapled them together Why did the third kid fall out Peer pressure
They keep falling through his hands.
If you don't pull out in time, it will cost you a lot of money. My boss said he made this up on the spot yesterday. Never heard it before so I figured I'd post it.
Cause you'd be mad too if someone kept pulling your hose.
DR DOG: *thinking back on all the homework he ate* It wasn't easy
17th January. What year Every year!
Only one. But they have to sit in the dark room for a year, first, to make sure that the lightbulb is out.
Black humor - 12 children in one trash can Morbid humor - 1 children in 12 trash cans Brutal humor - 12 trash cans in one children
12 Casualties
lay floss over their eyes
Alphabet Soup.
It's After Earth Day.