They both moust go down in emergency.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Well hell-if-i-know!
A patchy gunship
Because whenever one started up, the big blades would go "wop...wop... wop" and the little blades would go "guineaguineaguinea".
A Helenkelicopter.
They'll freak out when they hear a helicopter
The naval officer is trying to feed bread to the helicopters!
A cow dropped out of a helicopter.
A: Depends on how many were photographed.
Hell if I know.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Because he was on a higher plane.
You can helicopter your banana but you can't banana your helicopter
Because then they'd have nothing to do in the afternoon.
They're always rebooting.
Honey you feed the dog I'll feed the fish.
Enough drumsticks to feed an army !
Angry British people!
Tequila Mockingbird
A hy-bread
It was a crusty steed!
Trying to look upset.
She tried to stick her finger in his cavity.
You unplug it!
Its 'ran', because it's past tents... Ill see myself out.
Call Baltimore, M.D.
A Bi-Polar Bear.