Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Aloha ackbar
A problem. What do you call when 3 terrorists are on the moon? A problem. What do you call when all the terrorists are on the moon? A solution.
You can negotiate with a terrorist.
The terrorist needs a trigger to blow things up.
They always bomb the punchline!
Because there are too many zinfandel's.
Because they don't like Nice people.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
A free radical.
Aim to the sky, maybe you'll shoot a plane.
Terrorists blow them selves up at camp on accident
Mossack Fonseca.
A Paririst
We are the 2016 presidential candidate frontrunners. This is a joke take it that way
Simplifiying Radicals. (MATH joke)
A CAIR package.
Because their planes kept missing the Eiffel Tower.
9:11 PM
They both blow up people who don't agree with them.
Allahuak Bar
I don't know. I just build the fence.
A llahu akbar
hey babe, I've got a large pipe bomb and I never pre-maturely detonate."
Because it didn't happen in 7/11
They didn't get hit by Terrorists.
so they can reuse the phone after the explosion
These hot wings have made me a ticking time bomb."
He was a suislide bomber!
French press. (Too soon?)
Charlie has been neutralised"
Terrorists have sympathizers.
Infidel Castro
none, they blew it up already.
They'll freak out when they hear a helicopter
When the terrorists asked for anything cheaper than one-way.
In the West Bank
I don't know man, I just fly the drones.
We simply reply......Chuck Norris
Is there a terrorist mobile tariff I can go on
Simplifying Radicals. Yes, she's a math teacher.
An ISISicle!
An Iraqnid.
The Marine shrugged and replied, "Recoil."
It was Allah dream.
A Citroen C4
It blew up
Allahu Akburrrrrr
The harder you hit them the more english you get.
Allahu Chatbar.
Because they hate waterboarding.
They will never win
Him: I give up Me: A terrorst
To have a Blast!
Too soon
High jack.
The Allahu Ak-Bar.
Snow boarding is fun as hell.
They're biodegradable.
To send people to the other side.
They prefer a Target.
They didn't czech his papers.
He was going through a midlife ISIS :(
C4 yourself!
The Allahu Ak Bar
Hi Jack!
I didn't expect this to blow up like it did!*
Allah mode.
Apparently, they go everywhere.
Allahu akbarns (I'm going to hell)
A: Terrorists have sympathizers.
The gun gets triggered.
A feminist
Mad Cow disease was already taken.
An old man yelling at the cloud
The harder you hit it the more English it picks up!
Because they're easier to spot
A: A dressmaker tucks up frills.
So the men can think of a solution in silence.
because to him, alcohol is not a solution.
Because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.