Four guys watching a football game.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Colonel, sir.
Four girlfriends drinking on St Patricks Day!
Good morning your Honor!
A: Her IQ goes up!
A: "40 Marines plus their lieutenant"
Four guys watching a baseball game.
Your Honor.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Your honor.
A blonde parade!
The last time her son had a healing potion he lost 15 IQ Points.
In the first, you must drink a lot of liquids before battle, but in the latter, you only pretend.
Demeter wasn't working.
mor ale
Check his spirit level.
He thinks one step ahead
rated movies
Watch a movie with him.
Dave promptly burst into tears as not everyone in the world knew Dave.
I don't know either. It must be out-of-this-world.
A rice crippy.
A slap happy jappy with a crap happy pappy
Honey I'm down at the pub having a pint with the lads. Be home in about 30 min. If I'm not back by then please read this message again."
asked every guy under 30.
Who are these iron-mouthed warriors
The Saxons!