None because it's already lit fam
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A lot of likes
Because once you go to sleep, you can't trust either of them to not sneak out.
A promegranate.
It takes 1 to screw it in, and 99 to tweet about it.
Pants 50% off
Radioactive elements last longer.
Core i3, i5, i7... ican't even! Edited from: >They can't even
There's none, both like clubbing.
Teenagers these days be all "I hate you mom I'm joining ISIS."
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Vachina Town
Because they should use protection to practice safe text
Have you tried turning it off and back on?
I'm lactose intolerant.
Between you and me, I think something's up." I'm slightly tipsy, this is probably a terrible joke. Merry Christmas!
Leukemia Skywalker.
A private tutor
A fart. It goes through your pants without even making a hole.
Hippies can't change anything. And they smell bad.
Only one; But it takes a WHOLE E.R. room to extract it afterwards. Double joke! "whole... hole." it's a play on words ;)
Two. One to hold the bulb, and one to drink until the room starts spinning.
Amble in (Anne Boyeyn) I made this joke up and am very proud of it :)
Because he was trying to detonate a Samsung Note 7.
Girl2: I was complimented on my driving today. Someone left a note on my windshield that said "Parking Fine"
Bee flat Music joke for those who don't understand. B flat is a note.