They put a bottle of vodka 100 meters away from them.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Put 30 crates of vodka near the pool
Because he couldn't handle a few shots
Well, my dear reddit, in nature there is law of conservation of matter. Therefore, if the vodka disappeared somewhere, it would appear somewhere else. And then there would be Russia.
Grey Moose
Vodka does not freeze
A John Daly
Stop "Russian"
I turned MY student loans into vodka...
Skyy. Only Sith deal in Absolut.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Because only the Sith deal in absolut
They were part of a stewicide pact.
You open it slightly so it's ajar.
He was all over his wife at the parade
I choose to go to Marilyn's hotel room this night and do the naughty things, not because she is easy, but because I am hard.
A narcissistick.
Don't Stop
A sicka blyat
By the stripes on his Adidas jumpsuit.
it's this really obscure number. You've probably never even heard of it. No big deal.
Freeze your dog and then take an angle grinder and use it on your dog and it Will say meeeeeow. Dunk your cat in gasoline and light it on fire and it Will say woof
There are. They just get re-branded as "logic" and "the truth".
A Dell
It twerks!" I don't know how this came to me..