He had carpool tunnel
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Carpool tunnels
Because it has a carpool tunnel.
I shouldn't have to pay so much to not be naked. Other people should pay me not to be naked.
Scares their dogs.
Nothing. He was dead.
He injured his spline!
He fell out of the tree
He lost his patients...
Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
He didn't want to get carpool tunnel syndrome.
He didn't look in both directions before crossing.
A sound-proof cabin so I can sing every rap lyric regardless of the neighborhood I'm driving through.
A POPstar. HAHAHAHA. Living is pain. Unbearable. End me.
Ouchwitz >say ouch when offended or in pain >Witz is the German word for joke >sounds like auschwitz
Because the light at the end of the tunnel is New Jersey.