Yes, thanks, but I'm still a little horse."
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because they drink to much coughee.
Coughing up someone else's phlegm
A laxative.
The first couple of times you cough, the loogeys aren't yours!
A little hoarse!!!
cough* *cough*
Knowing that the first couple of times you cough that the phlegm isn't yours.
Excuse me, I'm a little hoarse."
Me : Oh, that was Denise. Dad: Oh, da' niece I thought it was da' nephew. Buh dum tsssssssss
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Because people are dying to get in!
A: Because people keep hitting them with dictionaries.
Pack your trunk and clear out !"
9/11 victims.... They can clear 10 stories in 5 seconds.
You better not make a habit out of this.
Cause they didn't have the Monet to get Degas to make the van Gogh.
Coffin and spluttering !
Because his life is at stake.
A koalafied driver! *badum-tis*
He didn't have enough koalifications!
A lot of good you are . (the joke is that the paint can is empty)
They add another coat.