A can't elope. Or better yet None of them because of the lgbt movement.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because they can't elope!
A cantaloupe. The spelling is completely different...
Because the minister wouldn't marry the two, since a melon can't elope!
Because they can't elope.
He said he can't elope.
He told her he *can't elope*.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Because they can't elope
Because it can't elope.
Because they were cant elopes
The hornier, the better!
A big-eye deer!
Just Ants. Credit: My friend, the PUNisher.
Discordant !
Everybody loves Putin!
You can mash potatoes, but you can't pee soup. (sorry sorry. Really. I've loved this joke since I was... oh.. six...)
Because he just came to pick up his little sister.
Because he was outstanding in his field.
The farmers milk them dry.
Because 7 always came first!!!
a hummus-sectional ba dum tish! I know that was bad. Please blame my boyfriend, he thought of it.
I love you with all my art!"
Can't- elope!
a wet melon.
Because they cantaloupe. =D.....=).....=='(