Ten-ants !
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Ten ants (Tenants)
Your room-matey.
He can't get out of a bath.
A flat fish !
Ten ants !
Because he has to cosign
They can't afford an apartment because they only make 50 grand per year.
10 . It requires tenants to own an apartment.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
asks a commander. - Two soldiers step forward. - All right. I bought a piano. Take it to my apartment on the fourth floor.
I forgot to wet the soap.
Me: So our pig can't have babies 6: How do you know she doesn't want babies Me:*looks at my kids* Just a hunch
C and Y
With a broken magic wand.
Because they don't believe in higher powers
He solved for y! Thought this one up myself and thought it was post worthy
A Scotland Yard.
He was looking for Finger Prince. (Say it out loud if you don't get it.)
The tale of a rat.
He had an apartment complex.
Why did the detective go to the apartment complex? So he could solve the staircase.
Names! -Bo Burnham
He was hit by a buss
Dans un bon-apartement.