Because they lasted a minute in battle
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
So they can see the battle.
The Battle of the Bulge.
In the first, you must drink a lot of liquids before battle, but in the latter, you only pretend.
Is it: A) memory loss A) memory loss Or 3) The Battle of Hastings
They had baron.
You're about to meet da-feet!
Pun-fu fighting
Weasley twins are 50% off
Don't do it, it's Siouxicide
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
I don't know, but we'll find out November 8, 2016.
Because they kept retweeting.
Giant Fish Tanks.
xpost /r/meanjokes Every single shot at them is at a chink in their armor.
They only had 2 trucks
Napoleon Blownaparte
Steer Wars.
The kernal! Bahahahaha
Star Trek) The storm troopers all miss, and the red shirts all die
The Battle of Gaine's Mill
So they can watch the battle
The guy with the bulge in his sock ...
No matter how much protective garments they wear, there's still a chink in the armor.
Black-on-black rhyme
Because you don't know who is going to make it to the end.
Because it ran out of cluck !
People actually care if a gorilla dies.
The Stones say "hey you get off of my cloud!" The Shepard says "hey Mc Cloud get of of my ewe!"
The sphinxster ....
Gorillas in the mist
Baron mind who you're talking to !
A Neo Hotzi
They kept Stalin around.
A: Germany.
Because they are excellent at waging Gorilla warfare!