Noose Noose
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
The apple because the black man was stopped by a noose.
With a noose.
How high you tie it on a tree.
You can't fit your finger between the noose and his neck.
By watching the noose.
Monotonous. Bonus answer from my wife: a noose.
Because at last he was in the noose.
Lets get right into the noose.
A doctor you racist.
Branch Manager
A dead centipede.
Pick a cod, any cod!
Border Patrol.
A cantelopez! Came up with this on all by myself. I'm a new Dad, so I feel as if I've significantly leveled up my Dad Joke ability.
The drumstick. (Had this joke stuck in my head for a while so felt like sharing it.)
Because their wives are driving.
STFU, I can paint my wife any colour I want!
A. Hump me dump me!!
Mothmatics !