Because they are really good at it
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
One baby nailed to 10 trees...
Because, similar to leaves fallen from a tree, black people are dead inside.
An obliga-tree.
To sharpen the knife
All of them
Oh, what a relief!
I'd best be leafing.
There is none Southerners both hang them from trees.
A dogwood
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
They both fall down when you hit them with an axe.
Snoop Log
Better question would be: Why were they in the tree in the first place?
Because it broke every branch of the law.
Good day, m'hogany'
Because he was drunk Why did the second monkey fall out of the tree? He was tied to the first one Why did the third monkey fall out of the tree? Peer Pressure
Suh Dude
A baby stapled to ten trees.
Untie the rope...
A palm tree
Because he couldn't bark
For public transportation.
It leaves.
Stick? BARK!
The leaf, the Emo is too depressed to go outside. I saw this joke reposted so many times. I figured I'd mix it up a bit.
The leaf, the rope stops the emo.
Because he thought it wood look better!
Wrap it around a tree
Because it was dead.
The stove.
As he was about to swing to the next tree he said, "OK, Cheeta, hang on anywhere".
He's on route.
How high you tie it on a tree.
A pool table.
Why did the second monkey fall off the tree? Why did the third monkey fall of the tree? Peer pressure.
A communitree
So it could be timber!
Tim ber"ton
Because it was a chesnut tree.
Wave to him!
So the German soldiers can march in shade.
Poll tree!
Dad: Where is the best place to hide an elephant? Me: I don't know, behind a big rock? Dad: In a tree silly. Me: In a tree? Dad: When's the last time you saw an elephant in a tree?
He gets stumped.
She fell out of the tree.
You wave.
When you swerve to miss a tree and realize it was your air freshener
Ruff Bark
Run, Forest, run!
Because it was s knotty pine!
So the Germans can march in the shade.
A face palm.
Because Han was flying so low.
Mourning wood
Wave at them.
She fell out of the tree! I may not be a girl, but I'm blonde and find blonde jokes hilarious. xD
It became entally handicapped
Because they always leave you stumped!
Whoa did you hear that?
A Total TreeCull. Basically, on the evening of December 25th, every christmas tree salesperson does the trees
Public transportation.
You talk to him!
Public Transport
They are the path of leaf resistance.
Because the trees break wind.
Wave hello
It was dead.
It's a mystery.
Because they've had their chloro-fill.
It was taped.
So the Germans can march in the shade
They log on
He was knotty.
It is as close as they can get to making love to a tree.
A tree.
The Italian. The black is tied to the tree.
Branch Manager
They both look good hanging from a tree
Cut the rope!
Nothing, trees can't talk!
Nothing. They bark.
None. Monkeys screw in trees.
A 'Miley Cyprus'. Dear god, shoot me.
Because ze Germans like to march in ze shade.
A tree has limbs.
A crow with a machine gun.
He fell out of the tree.
Elephant snot. Funniest part is seeing people's reaction when you tell it.
By moving the trees closer together.
Mine would have to be Why did sally fall out of the tree? Because she had no arms. Knock knock. Who's there? Not sally.
So that he didn't fall in the hot cocoa.
Because it's easier than trying to wallpaper them!
Paint it black.
Throw me a frickin bone here.
Get off me Holmes!
One live baby nailed to ten trees.
Me: "Is there a live baby in it " Him: "No." Me: "Throw it away."
Because he wanted to hide in the crayon box.
Daniel Morcombe
So they can hide in cherry trees. Ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree? Shows you it works then. What's the loudest noise in the jungle? Monkeys picking cherries.
What makes the loudest noise in the jungle?
Because Rudolph is the only deer leader at Christmas.