A: Stop peaking at me.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
S*pine* trees!
A Country
They branch out
He could not get past the tree!
Petrified wood.
A branch manager.
He was stumped.
Moved the trees closer together.
A sanitary owl
A Country.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
A:Because Germans like to march in the shade.
He saw a tree.
A: Wave
Because he was Poplar!
The swine flu (joke my dad made up a couple years back during all this)
To change his jockeys.
He was stapled to the first monkey! How'd the Third monkey fall out of the tree. Peer Pressure.
It has more bark than bite.
A. Wave at her.
Because money doesn't grow on trees.
To shake out the alligators. I've never seen an alligator In a tree. That's because the pigs do such a good job.
It packs its trunk and leaves.
Baby cedar
I shot him Why did the second kid fall out I stapled them together Why did the third kid fall out Peer pressure
BarkOak Palma
Because they're always so *Sappy*!
It stands on an acorn and waits for it to grow.
They say "I'm rooting for you"
In branch banks.
So the Germans can march in the shade.
Nearby - the Ape-lle doesn't fall far from the tree!
A refrigerator. Sorry.
Because ze Germans like to march in ze shade.
It logs on.
A fridge --
You wave to him
Cut the rope
Nailing one dead baby to 10 trees.
Public transportation.
It was stumped.
Both can climb trees, except the piano
The poplar ones.
He fell out of the tree
Something that stands still for forty years then suddenly jumps out in front of a woman driver.
A: Because it was dead.
When it falls to the ground, it knocks the 'ell out of it.
The Easter Bunana!
A Meringue - a - tan.
He pined everyday.
He packs his trunk and leaves. I should go back to studying now. K bye.
Take a Leaf of absence.
Knotty Pines.
All the trees have square roots.
He was looking for Robin's nest.
Because it's the one day that they have an excuse to hang coloured balls from trees.
Because they stick
Justin Beaver
When it's sycamore.
A baby hit by a snow blower
He fell out of the tree.
Leaf me alone.
Sycamore trees!
A fridge. What's big and white and blue and sits in a tree A fridge wearing jeans.
They log on.
All of them!
It's been nice gnawing you.
Bark bark.
They're really good at it.
A palm tree!
It needed a root canal.
Dunno, they're just a bit shady.
Because 1 more would have been 240...
You're turning me on!
Oh look! A heard of elephants.
What makes the loudest noise in the jungle?
Fruit can't talk
A spelling bee. Credit goes to a cheesestick wrapper!
I've fallen and I can't giddyup.
Get off me homes!
A legacy scholarship for his second choice school
12. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, April 2nd.... etc
For tree-son. Ha-ha. Ha.
I'd best be leafing.
One baby nailed to 10 trees...
Taco bell for lunch
I asked him and he said, "I still love vista, baby!"