Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Giraffic Park!!!!!!! HAHHHAHAAHHAHAA
Some believed that there was a cheetah among them.
Because their Zoos ran out of room.
I give tours at a zoo. Each tour goes for a couple of hours so it is good to engage the guests and make the tour a bit more fun. What is your favourite animal joke I can use at work?
A Shih Tzu
Banned from the zoo.
Well, kicked out of the zoo for starters.
Because they shot the gorilla
A cub reporter.
Stop playing it cagey!
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
One to get in and one to get out.
Gnus papers.
A. Banned from the Zoo.
In Louisiana, next to the plaque with the animal's name, they've got a good recipe.
ME: bleeding profusely So... not a dog
Tigers have stripes.
A: They were raised in a zoo!
A lifetime ban from the Zoo
A life time ban at the zoo
Bread in captivity.
ZOO OFFICIAL: Wait. Let's hear him out.
a family reunion
A shih tzu
Too many cheetahs
Because they just kept lion around!
Half an hour, just like the rest of the animals.
To avoid monkey suits