Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
One composes, the other decomposes...
He needed some time to himself to decompose.
So he can pretend she's decomposing.
They're both Decomposing
He's decomposing.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Decompose yourself.
If you pull the plug, the vegetables start to decompose.
They decompose
They start with 2 million.
By looking over your shoulder!
Because its white and it works.
Baryon my wayward son!
A decomposer.
Because he was in de-nile.
Motorist: I thought it was good place. It says "Safety Zone."
You pull the trigger again.
Dunk your head in a bucket of water and pull it out twice.
Three bags of skittles and a small body to hide.
You can't see them when it is night.
Because he couldn't see that well!
You look in the mirror and see what you saw. Take the saw and saw the table in half. Two half's make a whole, go through the hole.