They both like to crack open a cold one
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
In the bedroom, it doesn't take much effort to make your lover's jaw drop.
A couple of weeks
I'm not sure, but they both go out with shovels to find the booty.
Mourning Wood
His rotten girlfriend split on him.
A necrophiliac.
Mourning wood! :)
One goes to the bar for a cold one. The other goes to a morgue.
Mourning wood
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Not long... they like to do it while it's still warm.
Mourning wood.
He gets mourning wood.
You get mourning wood.
You get mourning wood
He was caught spreading remains before they were cremated.
Sit back, relax and crack open a cold one
Do you know where my son is " "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I'm a necrophiliac."
He's always HARD at work.
The cold never bothered them anyway......
You don't have to bring the flowers.
You're dead to me"