These Boots Are Made For Walken.....
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
You take your boots off before you jump on a trampoline.
He took too long to put his boots on !
Because he liked sole music!
I said, "I don't know officer, I just opened the boot and there she was."
Because he didn't want to stub his toe when he kicked the bucket !
That was a cloche call!"
Got adopted 3 weeks ago. Gone soft too. Healthcare plan. Hypoallergenic blanket. Goes by Mr. Boots now."
Puss in boots !
You ride -- I'll go on foot.
Boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants...
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
He wears the cardboard box on his boots.
Cos they like to walk around in their bear feet.
Because his boots were at the menders !
He was a lacist.
Oops. Wrong subreddit!
The airplane.
A problem. What do you call every black person on the moon *Problem Solved*
The one with the welfare check in it.
You put his welfare checks in his work boots.
You hide their food stamps under their work boots. Edit Thank you /u/DoctorBrohoof for my first gold!
Because they're always high and outside.
The baby starts picking cotton off her tampons. (aaannnd i'll see myself out)
You have to drop the bomb twice.
Drops it like it's hot.
The egg actually gets laid!
Eric Clapton would never let a small bag of cocaine fall out of a window.