Because Rome wasn't built in a bay.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
With a pair of Caesars...
Because it reminds them of home.
Atilla the Hungry.
Oh, Plebes.
Because all the roads lead to Rome.
OC Well it was kinda hard to avoid, what will all roads leading there and what not.
Irritable Brawls in Rome
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Pupil: At night. Teacher: Why did you say that Pupil: Because my Dad always says that Rome wasn't built in a day!
Slaughters entire office and imposes grain taxes on peasantry
Because it was a government job.
x always equals 10
Using a pair of Caesars.
Giving the pope an errection
They're both Catholics.
To remind black people that they were cotton pickers before drug dealers.
Tacos. Overheard an old man telling another guy how he lost his farm in Mexico , and how the smell reminded him of tacos.
The plot for Wall-E
I thought they only drive automatic
Whose Rhine Is It Anyway?
Start shouting Jehovah.
A very very big spider !
No one knows, it's never been done.
I don't know but he can conquer poland really fast.
In case you get a hole-in-one (stolen from some girl at school)
They both have flies on them.
Rite Aid
92 to 86." "Who's winning " I asked. "92"