Linoleum blownapart.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Potatoes don't scream when you peel their skin and toss them in boiling water.
Tosses them off.
Pacific rim
Most people don't get angry when you toss a salad.
Douse it with petrol and toss a lit match. WOOF!
It's a toss up between ruby and perl.
Having to toss everyone's salad
See you on the flip side.
Then I frown & order the soup.
It's fun to toss them down stairs.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Him: *texts* Horrible...I was tossing and turn- Me: *crawls out from under his bed* I KNOW, YOU POOR THING.
You fill them up and toss them out the door!
Olive Oil.
He's not a tight end anymore )
Lettuce, pray."
Anubis (If you don't get it, say it slower.)
Ask them to pronounce 'unionized.'
Vas the deferens?
Because it was a kitty fiddler.
An order for two large plains.
A mar tiny.
You wouldn't pay to have a potato on you.
A 6-pack and a potato.
Linoleum Blownapart
You'd think it would be floodlights, but in reality it was the Israelites!
Lighting fires.