Because he can't even get arrested in Hollywood.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
For the Sallad
Shot in the head in Dallas.
They turn off their XBOX and go to bed!
Turn off their Nintendo and go to bed.
They don't... they just talk about how good the old one was.
The Cowboys stadium, the only place there'll never be a touchdown
Because then Dallas would want one too.
The Dallas Cowboys
They don't. They just talk about when it did work.
The Cowboys Stadium. Because they can't catch anything there.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
I'm Going Through the Big D and Don't Mean Dallas
Both can make 70,000 people stand up and shout "JESUS CHRIST!"
Blue. One blue this way and one blue that way.
Eventually the baby stops crying
He turns off the PlayStation.
A: Studying their Miranda Rights.
He was caught doing lines of math!
They were selling quack in the park.
Because they're looking for braaaaaaaaaains
A: a hot air balloon #JonsSafetyTips #Safety #safetyTip #EarthquakeSafetyFacts
Cause they're white
A doctor.
Five six seven eight!
1001 1 to offer up the bulb and 1000 to scream 'Get in the hole'
A nigloo
I usually sleep ON the bed. #DadJoke
Rock Band for the XBOX 360
The Dallas Cowboy Stadium, a touchdown never happens there!
Have you ever seen a video of them getting the ball and not scoring a touchdown
I don't have time for your ship."
Go axe your mother."